Monday, October 5, 2009

Weblog Popular 1Malaysia

Denaihati ingin mencari Weblog Popular 1Malaysia dalam jutaan weblog di Malaysia. Hadiah yang ditawarkan adalah lumayan!

Kontes hebat ini disponsor oleh sponsor2 yang hebat juga:
SAUDACARE, ANISHA ONLINE MALL dan One Malaysia Blogshops (Directory Blogshop Malaysia)

Pilih satu blog yang paling ANDA sukai dan tuliskan apa bestnya weblog tersebut.
Saya suka kerana gaya penulisan beliau yang sangat unik dan menarik.

saya tahu contest Weblog Popular 1Malaysia dari blog ...
Saya tahu contest Weblog Popular 1Malaysia dari blog Precious

Jom join Weblog Popular 1Malaysia Tweet N Win.

Contest ini tamat jam 12.00 am pada 30/9/2009.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

I'm All Yours

I make this solemn promise to you:

To be your lover when you need to be loved,
your doctor when you are ill,
your army when you go to war,
your umbrella when life rains down on you,
your rock when you get weary,
your shield when you need defense,
your spirit when you are drained,
your pillow when you need to rest,
your voice when no one can hear you,
your ear when no one will listen,
your comfort when you feel pain,
your hero when you are under duress,
your sunshine when darkness falls,
your answer when questions arise,
your inspiration to overcome obstacles,
your hand to hold when you are frightened,
your kiss that wakes you everyday,
and your "I love you" each and every night.

I am yours... all of me.

- Tyr Annassassi -

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Our Love

You hold my hand, I caress your lips,
You look into my eyes and my heart beat skips.
I stroke your back skin so soft and smooth,
I admire your face, every line, every groove.
We move in a little closer, our bodies entwine,
you touch my neck, it sends shivers down my spine.
You whisper that you love me and I know it's true
because I feel it in my heart and I love you too.

- Zalihe Hussain -

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Aidilfitri Ini

Aidilfitri ini, anakku
saat kemenangan paling indah
seusai berdepan ujian sebulan
senjata iman menundukkan nafsu
tak terbelit akar kebatilan
beribadah tulus mencari hikmah
di bawah terangnya purnama barakah
terpancar cahaya kebaikan
sempurna pembersihan diri
dalam kejernihan nurani.

Aidilfitri ini, anakku
detik kebahagiaan pemberian Allah
betapa damai, hening dan syahdu
dianugerahi kesempatan
menikmati kemanisan
dalam perjalanan hayat
dilingkari kabut rindu
jiwa disentuh takbir bergema
dari menara kebesaran
mengembang cahaya kasih pada Ilahi
mengorak kelopak syukur di taman hati.

Aidilfitri ini, anakku
sesuci kurniaan bersemarak wangi
maknakan anugerah ini
dengan memperteguh cinta hakiki.


When She Walks By

Eyes so dark
Heart so pure
I could never love another
The way I love her
Gleam in her eyes
Like a candles flame
I love when I hear her
Call out my name
When she walks by
Birds stop their flight
The dead come to life
And the blind regain their sight
I could never love another
The way I love her
Eyes so dark
Heart so pure

Skin so soft
Soul on fire
She fills me with
Complete desire
The way she moves
The way she looks
One glance at her
Was all it took
When she walks by
People stare
At her radiant face
And her ebony hair
She fills me with
Complete desire
Skin so soft
Soul on fire

Perfect body
A scholar's mind
Michelangelo would envy
Such a find
Beautiful smile
Always sincere
Whoever's around
Wants her near
When she walks by
Angels weep
Gods hide their faces
And lovers leap
Michelangelo would envy
Such a find
Perfect body
A scholar's mind

- Patrick Possanza -